Angus Yarn
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angus yarn

ア=イアン=メイデ武士団の侍。文才に秀で、川柳や俳句が得意だとか。その身体は十二魔戦将軍のブラドよりも一回り大きく、所持武器は巨大な十字槍《ザンボ・トライデント》。非常に無口で、仲間からも謎めいた存在と思われている様子。 Samurai of the A-Ian-Maide. He is a gifted writer and is said to be good at willow and haiku. His body is one size larger than that of the Sorcerer Shogun Vlad, and his weapon of choice is the giant crossed spear 《Zambo Trident》. He is very quiet and is regarded as a mysterious presence by his comrades.