Ida Deesna
中野泰佑 Taisuke Nakano

ida deesna

クラスは魔界幻士。腰から下げた二つの水晶玉で魔界の生物を召喚することから召喚士(サモナー)とも呼ばれる。所持武器は鉄扇《アイアンファン》。召喚士らしからぬ大きな体格と、顔のメイクが特徴的。 His class is the Demon World Illusionist. Also called Summoner because he is able to summon creatures from the demon world with two crystal balls from their waists. His weapon of choice is the Iron Fan. he is characterised by his large physique and the make-up on her face, which is not unlike that of a summoner.