Joshua Belaira
寺島拓篤 Takuma Terashima

joshua belaira

名門武家出身で若くしてサムライ ・マスターの称号を手に入れ、ミフネの道場で師範代を務めていた腕前。侍としての矜持が強く、忠義や礼節にもとる行為を厭う。必殺技は「蝶舞阿修羅斬」。カイ・ハーンのことを気にかけているようだが…。 From a prestigious samurai family, he earned the title of Samurai Master at a young age and was a skilled instructor at Mifune's dojo. He is strongly proud to be a samurai and is unwilling to do anything that is out of line with loyalty or civility. His special attack is the “Butterfly Dance Ashura Strike”. He seems to care about Kai Harn...