
Comment from director Takaharu Ozaki arrives!

Takaharu Ozaki, director of BASTARD!! has arrived!

Director: Takaharu Ozaki

hat BASTARD! BASTARD! BASTARD! BASTARD!? Can you believe it’s reviving as an anime!?
This title has influenced so many Japanese fantasy titles and continue to do so till this day.
Our society is so diverse nowadays and we have more freedom than ever before, yet we tend to lose connection with someone important. Even if you have faith and belief, what makes you stronger is that important someone. Not only the fantastic world, but the characters with compassion for others will make you want to watch the anime even if you didn’t know the original comics.
With star-studded casts and capable staffs, I am proud and honored to bring this anime to everyone.
Please look forward to it!

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